Thursday, May 26, 2011

Get published, get checks FAST

Do you want to be a published author with the authority to be known as an expert on your topic? 

Want to help local businesses through offline consulting services or see your title on Amazon?

It can be daunting - even overwhelming - to write your book, but even more challenging actually knowing how to market it

But it has to be done.

Getting the word out there, building your 'brand' and establishing your credibility can be a full-time job, but nowadays even 'traditional' publishers expect authors to handle more and more of their own promotional work.

Hi, I'm Cathy Taibbi, and I know how hard both sides of this equation can be. 

Even doing online reporting, for instance (I freelance for and, requires significant time and effort to be put in after your copy is researched, edited and posted. 

The next step: sharing, social networking, promotion.

Even if you've got all this 'down', monetizing your work can be elusive! 

That's why I love this product by Maria Gudelis of Wildhorse Performance Marketing. 

If you already know Maria through her webinars, the Warrior Forum and her amazing track record of producing massively valuable products fast, and over-delivering beyond anyone's wildest expectations (even after all these months it still blows me away), then you know she 'knows her stuff'. 

She has an amazing knack for breaking down even the most tedious or complex tasks into simple steps and devising elegant SYSTEMS to get things done - and start making money fast!

Here is your inside fast-track to getting your own work published AND getting it making money for you FAST.

I know you love to write, but the money sure does help.

Why Maria's 'get published, get checks fast' system? How is hers different than all the other offers out there?

  • For starters, you get THREE volumes and SIX recorded workshops. 
  • Screen shots to illustrate her points; learn stuff no one else has covered in other products.
  • Expert insights from real-life experience working with the likes of such giants as Robert Allen and Mark Victor Hansen (of One Minute millionaire fame, and the famous Chicken Soup for the Soul series.)
  • How to avoid the fatal mistake many other new authors make - that keeps them from ever getting ahead with their book.
  • How to create a 'hook' that will grab readers!
  • You get an in-depth interview with a guest-expert ghost-writer who got his clients onto the NY Times Best Seller list!
  • How to create a multi-million-dollar empire from just ONE BOOK (you MUST have the right systems  in place!)
  • You get a professionally designed squeeze page you can use for promoting your own book! (That's worth the price of this product just by itself!)
  • Learn from one of the 'giants' with over 20 years of consulting experience and PROVEN SUCCESS in the online marketing arena
PLUS you learn how to:
  1. Set yourself apart from the competition
  2. Build credibility and be seen as THE expert on your topic, FAST
  3. Build trust
  4. Generate leads
  5. Generate WORD OF MOUTH traffic to your book!
  6. MAINTAIN the relationship with your readers FOR THE LONG HAUL.
Best yet, it's FUN and EASIER than you might think!

Become a published, expert author and see paths open up for you in offline consulting OR more publishing opportunities.

It IS possible to live that life you've been dreaming of - possibly in as little as 90 days or less!

There is SO MUCH VALUABLE information here, ANSWERS to your questions, like:

Should I self publish or go through a 'real' publishing house?
What's my secret Rapid-Authoring weapon? 
How do royalties really work? 
How do I format my own PDF?
How do I manage my SALES? 
What do I need to know about COPYRIGHTING? 

EVERYTHING you need to know, every step of the way beginning with your idea to creating swipe files to  designing your book cover to INCREASING YOUR REVENUE (WAY too much to list in this little article) - 

Plus, typical for Maria Gudelis, you get bonuses and so much extra, unexpected free content it's almost embarrassing.

And right now, for the Breathless Mom promotion and fundraiser, Get Published FAST is DEEPLY DISCOUNTED - for the next few days ONLY (as part of this special, life-saving fundraiser).

Ready to become a published author and start actually making money as a writer?

Just click here now!



Friday, May 20, 2011

Dreaming of a lucrative Internet business? Learn from the pros for free!

If you had a chance to participate in Cash Now Challenge training calls for free, would you do it?

Ever wanted to quit your day job and run your own Internet business? Dreaming of working from home so you can be there to play with your dogs or be home with your family while still being able to earn a living? 

Here is your chance to take part in three months worth of totally free Cash Now Challenge training calls with top-notch Internet marketers Carlos 'Art' Nevarez and Maria Gudelis of Wildhorse Performance Marketing.

Hi, I'm Cathy Taibbi, and I know from experience how frustrating it is to try and figure it all out for yourself. In fact it's a recipe for failure - the Internet marketing business is changing so fast that trying to learn it all from scratch will just leave you scratching your head in despair. 

Mistakes can be costly too - and not just monetarily. We all start off with a bang; with enthusiasm and a 'go get 'um' optimistic attitude. But then things can get muddy; we can get caught up in 'information overload', lose confidence, lose our way - and if it happens more than once, we risk losing heart, losing direction, losing our vision, our drive. And then we end up right back where we started (or worse.)

It doesn't have to be that way!

Luckily I found a genuinely awesome team of mentors who are the 'real thing'. Not only are they legitimate successes in their own right but they honestly feel the need to help folks out during this time of economic upheaval.

Now that I have some experience under my belt, I have found that while many of the essential elements of success may be the same across the board, the paths to getting there are not all created equal - and it is along this path that so many of us get hopeless lost.

That's where a really good mentor can make all the difference.

If you have the chance to learn from one of those rare great teachers, especially if you have the chance to learn for free, jump on it!

So it is with genuine pride and confidence I invite you to check out Art and Maria's free, web-based training calls during their 'Cash Now Challenge'.

Costs you nothing to check it out, attend the calls, get to know Art and Maria, and take advantage of this opportunity to pick their brains. Nothing to lose, unless you don't at least give it a chance.

It's free. 

'nuff said.



Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Save a life by joining Breathless Mom and make money while you give

Sharlie is a young wife and mother struggling for every breath. Already she is on borrowed time and needs a life-saving double-lung transplant immediately.

So far, at 32  years of age, Sharlie is beating the odds for someone with Cystic Fibrosis, but she really needs our help now. She's already had to endure the death of her sister to the same insidious disease. You can read more about Sharlie here. Her cause is genuinely important.

The problem with causes, though - even one as urgent as this one - is that there are so many of them, all deserving, and all vying for our attention. And Sharlie is racing against the clock. How can HER cause not 'get lost in the crowd'?

So the 'power' behind an enlightened and innovative Internet marketing business called Wildhorse Performance Marketing, Carlos 'Art' Nevarez, along with business partner Maria Gudelis, came up with an idea - a 'win-win' situation where the best way to raise the million dollars needed to get Sharlie her life-saving double-lung transplant just might be to raise money by helping people make money.

How is this cause different? Well, beyond just the request for donations, Nevarez realized that the best way to motivate people to help might be in giving them a way to also benefit from their actions.

In other words, give people reasons to participate than just altruism.

Hence, for anyone who maybe can't afford an outright donation (someone perhaps struggling to simply bring in some income), offers more ways to help than just giving money or sharing the plea; you can become an 'Affilate' (it's free!) and offer hugely discounted, high-value products to others, making a commission on any sales. 

This concept of 'Conscientious Capitalism' just might make a difference here. For the sake of the cause, any money raised by Breathless Mom will go to securing the life saving surgery for Sharlie, and anything over and above the required money will go to the next in line for a lung transplant.

But in the meantime, those who want to help with the cause can also get a little income (which can be, in turn, also donated to or kept to pay your own bills).

Here's an example; Go the Breathless Mom at Facebook and 'Like' the page. Then join (it's FREE)  

Once there you can just share the cause, donate to the cause or sign up to become an affiliate - then look over the array of products offered at deep discounts; then promote them to your friends and social network. You could then make a commission on every sale of that product, while Sharlie, via, gets the much needed donation toward her transplant.

For instance, if you choose to promote the anti-aging product called "Wow, you don't look that old!", not only can you offer a sought-after product at a huge savings, you get a monetary percentage of any sales, and BreathlessMom gets a donation - a real 'win-win' situation if ever there was one.

Sharlie is truly in a race against time. We want to save her life. 

Visit the web site and do what you can, today.

Thank you.



Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Review - Staying a Step Ahead with BizMagination and Wildhorse Performance Marketing

There are a lot of Internet Business marketing scams out there - you know, the shady hustlers and wannabes, the ones who want nothing more than to make a quick buck from you and then they're gone -- and then there are the good guys like Art Nevarez and Maria Gudelis of Wildhorse Performance Marketing, BizMagination and EWI.

I've been following Art and Maria for months now, and the amount of pure, detailed and cutting edge information they give away every week during their totally FREE Master Mind, CashNowChallenge and BizMagination Training webinars is simply astonishing.  

(Jump on these live calls right away, by the way, while they're still absolutely free. But hurry, they may change the format any time or even decide to charge for these - so get in on them now, for free, while you can.)

Why would they just give so much valuable information away for FREE, to anyone who wants to attend the calls, when other so-called gurus are charging hundreds or even thousands of dollars for such high-quality content?

According to Art and Maria, in today's quickly changing marketplace, information is (and should be) free. Where the money comes in is in IMPLEMENTATION, SYSTEMS and SOFTWARE. 

Art and Maria want to make money, of course, just like we all do - but they also have an honest desire to help people, to lend a helping hand to anyone possessing the will and the determination to make a difference in their own life and in the lives of others. Especially during this time of unprecedented challenges and changes.

A lot of us have great ideas and a desire to get an online business off the ground, but get stymied by all the techy, geeky, software, web and computer things that are not only complex and often expensive, but extraordinarily  time consuming. Combined with all the social media steps now necessary to grow your audience and the whole enterprise can quickly dissolve into a sticky, tangled quagmire.

And that's where BizMagination, WildHorsePM's Integrated Online Business Management System come in.

You see, Art is a seasoned, self-confessed computer geek who has learned exactly what steps and issues are sidelining most of us in our quest for Internet income. And he's not just addressed these problems, but solved them, by creating BizMagination - a central hub that installs with just a few mouse clicks and gives you everything you need to build your business your way.

Not only do you get a system that helps your build your website, handles your auto-responder, shopping cart, squeeze and landing pages, but you can make money selling the vast array of affiliate products that comes with it that - or you can fully customize it to sell your own or other affiliate products. It can even integrate codes from your own or other people's software or websites - and, best of all, once you opt in, you become part of a 'family' and can give your feedback as the software is improved and refined.

Do you have to be an expert marketer to take part in Art and Maria's programs?

Not at all. In fact, part of the excitement of attending the free webinars is the mix of rank novice and advanced marketers that interact on the calls. 

I learn so much every week it's sometimes overwhelming -- but luckily the webinars are recorded so you can review them at your leisure to go over anything you might have missed.

So go check out BizMagination now, and take advantage of this free gold mine of information, networking and opportunity

Click HERE



Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Check Out Carlos and Maria's CashNowChallenge and MasterMind Calls While They're Still Free

If you want to just be blown away with a flood of FREE  high-quality tips, advice and in-depth information about Online Marketing, crucial computer and web stuff, plus product and software ideas and innovations from the makers of the ground-breaking new BizMagination online business system, try to get in on these FREE webinars while you still can.

Carlos and Maria of Wildhorse Performance Marketing, EWI and the hugely popular 90 day Challenge at,  give a variety of free webinars and Q&A's every week.  All you have to do is sign up to get on their email list and you'll have a chance to register every week for the next one.

If you've never attended a webinar, they are real-time live web events where you can be part of a special group of online business entrepreneurs (of all levels, beginner to 6-figure). The sheer volume of freely given, generous and exceedingly high quality content is unprecedented.

I was as skeptical as anyone in the beginning but after about 6 months of pretty regular attendance, I find I can't bear to miss a call any more.  These guys, yes, are in it to make some money, sell some product, create alliances and the like; but in the process they also just GIVE,  and give way more than makes any sense, frankly.  It's like they're not afraid of 'giving away the farm'.  

To me that is 'abundance thinking' and 'prosperity consciousness' in action.

And it works. For them, and for those listening.

These are the same folks now unveiling the game-changing BizMagination total online business system.  They listened to our stumbling points during the calls and designed a solution. Now we have, at our fingertips, a system to do all that tedious and frustrating 'grunt work' for us.

Plus we can still completely customize our business and website to be exactly what WE want them to be.

How cool is that?

Check it out, (check out BizMagination HERE) and check out their informative and inspiring MasterMind calls.

Let me know what you think!



Saturday, March 19, 2011

More of Mom's Money Making Resources

Welcome back to Mom's Money Solutions.

So far I've shared with you what is, to me, one of the most exciting systems on the horizon for truly automating and customizing your online business: BizMagination, from Carlos Nevarez and Maria Gudelis of Wildhorse Performance Marketing.

Just because I recommend this system, though, doesn't mean your online/Internet business has to be restricted to WildhorsePM products.  Another high-converting (read: lucrative) and well-respected online business resource comes to us from the UK, in the form of Get More Momentum's Lee McIntyre and his revolutionary Instant Internet Lifestyle.  (You can read more about Instant Internet Lifestyle here.) While Lee shows you how to build a real, sustainable, scalable online business, you can centralize it with your other ventures using the ground-breaking BizMagination system.

And if all this is just a little 'over your head', (and don't worry, the online marketing world is changing so fast most of us are having trouble keeping up), why not check out some of the terrific free resources available to help you get a good grounding in the terminology and techniques of modern business on the Web?

One I particularly like is this free tutorial series by Sue Worthington, Simple Strategies for Social Media Success.  In this generous and entirely FREE course, Sue walks you through the concepts and each step of how to begin and excel in using social media to promote and grow your business. It's just like having a kind neighbor or friend sitting right next to you as you learn about this amazing new Internet Marketing world.

I hope these resources help you. Remember, I only recommend business products I believe in and that I use myself,  and I that I've grown to trust. 

Remember though that there really are no 'overnight' magic business tricks -  at least, not if you're starting from scratch.  So no matter what ANY online ad or article tells you, if you don't already have some sort of business already built beneath you, NONE of the 'tricks' will suddenly and effortlessly start pouring cash into your PayPal account.

However they WILL pay off - once you do the legwork, build a foundation and give your business a little time to get established.  Like a baby, you need to crawl for a little while first-- but then. . . .
THEN you can soar!

So stop reading this and go check out BizMagination or any of these other resources, then get to work! I look forward to your success!



Friday, March 18, 2011

BizMagination Review - How Can BizMagination Help You?

We all know that online business is the way of the future, yet you maybe wondering what yet another 'online business solution' like BizMagination has to offer?

How is BizMagination different and what can it do for your business?

If you're already immersed in Internet Marketing, or even just thinking about trying it, there is a huge 'intimidation factor' involved.  Setting up and paying the recurring monthly fees for a website; writing sales copy and article content; managing your shopping cart, customer service and refunds; designing your own product; selecting high-converting affiliate products; the list goes on and on.

Honestly, the sheer amount of time-consuming, labor-intensive, technical geek stuff required is enough to make your head spin.

What if someone took all that hassle, all that juggling, and designed ONE EASY CENTRAL LOCATION for ALL your online business activities?  What if they made it COMPLETELY CUSTOMIZABLE, so that you can create exactly the business you want, with just a few clicks of the mouse?

What if they put ALL THAT TEDIOUS GRUNT WORK on 'autopilot' for you so you could work on growing and innovating your future business goals?

Someone has. It's called BizMagination, and it is going to revolutionize the way Internet Business is done.

Carlos Nevares and his team of millionaire Intenet pros has been working on taking all that time-consuming, labor-intensive geeky and technical stuff off your plate and putting it all on AUTOPILOT so you can concentrate on actually growing and customizing your business. 

If you've ever listened in on the awesome Master Minds held by Carlos Nevarez and Maria Gudelis of Wildhorse Performance Marketing and Cash Now Challenge, you already know the amazing amount of valuable and usable information they've freely given to their students -- and I mean FREELY.  So you know they're among the best of the 'good guys' in Internet Marketing.

The nature of business is changing and its changing fast, and Online Marketing is THE way of the future. Those of us who don't get on the band-wagon risk being left behind.  What Carlos and Maria have given us is a way to jump onboard now, before the crush, and get ourselves established and secure in this new business model.

During the last few months I've been privy to watch BizMagination go from the formative stages, to the working out of bugs all the way up to now, and I have to say I am very impressed and excited. BizMagination is a real game-changer.

The best part is it's a tool you can use and have run in the background while you chart your business course.  Whether you want to specialize in affiliate promotions or even develop your own products, BizMagination is FULLY CUSTOMIZABLE to suit YOUR NEEDS.

Of course, no one can afford to take a chance on something that may not work for them or that they may not like.  I don't either, and I never recommend anything I don't really and truly believe in. 

Not only do I honestly feel BizMagination IS the marketing formula of the future, it's also fully guaranteed and refundable in case you don't like it for any reason after trying it for 30 days.

So there's nothing to risk, nothing to lose.  But BizMagination is definitely work taking a serious look at, and might must be the key you've been looking for to get your own profitable business off the ground.

What are you waiting for? Looking is completely free!

Take a moment and give BizMagination the 'once-over'. Check it out now



Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Are Most Online Business Offers Scams? BizMagination Review.

How can you tell if a new product like BizMagination is a legitimate business tool -- or just a scam?

We all get inundated with the offers; buy this product or invest in that system and get rich overnight.

The problem is, most of these 'gimmicks' really are scams, and the ones that aren't are often making a big deal about some big 'guru secret' 'that -- well, frankly, is nothing more than the same information you can find out yourself by just reading the Get Started page on sites like FaceBook.

What makes the difference between success and failure is mostly a matter of pure, hard work.

Nowadays, if you don't have the technical savvy or 20 hours a day to tweak your business, you'll end up frustrated and broke. There just aren't enough hours in the day to do all the work keeping up with new technology, attending to your list, your customer service, product development, emails, blogs, articles, selecting high-converting affiliate products, promotion, reports generation and tracking, social networking on Twitter, Facebook  . . . you get the idea.

What if someone designed a complete system that can install onto your own computer with a few mouse clicks, that would take care of all that for you, AUTOMATICALLY, and be fully customizable to boot?

Presenting BizMagination.

Yes, I was skeptical too, at first.  I watched this thing being built over the last few months and even got to be in on giving feedback, along with others in the group. What's taken shape is, frankly, revolutionary.

So what does a brand new concept like BizMagination bring to the table?

BizMagination, designed by top developer and Internet millionaire Carlos Nevarez and his team of experts, has finally addressed the painstaking and tedious 'time-and-effort hogs' of trying to start your own online money machine. What BizMagination brings to you is the ability to promote your own or hundreds of other products, build your own website with just a few mouse clicks, leverage the experience and expertise of highly successful online empires and finally get your dream of unlimited Internet income off the ground.

All you need is a PayPal account.

That's it.

No tech skills, no massive marketing list, not even your own product (unless you want one). BizMagination takes all the grunt work, all the tedium and frustration out of it. You're building on the foundation and expertise of others who have made millions in the industry, and standing on their shoulders to reach your own dreams.

I don't fall for every Internet marketing scheme out there (although I used to).  I know how demoralizing and disheartening it is to get all excited that THIS time it's going to work, only to be let down again. This one is different. This on is a game-changer, and is likely the future model of online commerce.

Check it out for yourself. You have a chance to get in on the ground floor of what's likely the Online Business Model of the future. 

Best, trying it out is completely RISK FREE.  Give BizMagination a whirl for 30 days and if you're not happy you get all your money back.  It's that simple.

Check out BizMagination here - and welcome to the Future of Online Marketing!



Tuesday, March 15, 2011

BizMagination Review - The Future of Internet Marketing?

What? Why would I ask if BizMagination is the future of Internet marketing?

If you've tried to make it in online/Internet marketing, you probably know how tough it is to get anywhere, no less actually make money. There is so much to learn and so much to juggle; there's technology, social networking, sales copy writing, setting up a web site (that is enough to cause a lot of folks to 'burn out'), keeping multiple accounts and email addresses . . . the list goes on and on.

There's also -- and let's be perfectly frank -- a lot of hype and false promises out there.

Trust me, I've burned myself out with some of these plans and was just about to give up altogether. That is the honest truth. I spent thousands of dollars and as many hours to get products and training that got me . . . nowhere. 

Talk about demoralizing.

So  . . . what's different about BizMagination and why should you even look at yet another online marketing plan? For that matter, what caused ME to look at it?

Imagine having everything you need in one place.  You web site. Your affiliate site. Your marketing, traffic, support, software, shopping cart, customer service, refunds, order processing, even your product  . . . all in place with literally just a couple clicks of your mouse --

All of this has been designed by top, lifelong software engineer/ programmer and millionaire software marketer, Carlos Nevarez -- and it's all fully customizable to suit how you want to run YOUR business, whether it's by developing your own product, promoting someone else's, drop-ship sales, affiliate sales, or all of the above.  

You can literally get all this up and running in less than one evening and have a whole virtual warehouse of products at your fingertips, all ready to pay YOU. The folks at BizMagination have done all the tedious 'grunt work' for you. All you have to do is promote your own site!

Think about that -- have your own, custom online marketing and sales SYSTEM in place on the worldwide web, within minutes!

I've watched BizMagination from the earliest formation stages and frankly with a bit of skepticism, but now I'm really excited. While there is certainly a place for all those other Internet business products and courses out there, my gut feeling (intuition) tells me BizMagination is a game-changer and I jumped at the chance to be part of it. 

The best part? It's starting NOW. You also have that rare chance to get in on the ground floor of something big -- that chance of a lifetime.

I'm excited about this one. Follow this link and check it out NOW before everyone else gets in the game.

